Monday, October 3, 2011

Hilton Head Island Coastal Discovery Museum

Maybe I should have named this "Butterfly's".
Paula and I have been to several "butterfly gardens" but we have never seen so many. This place had them everywhere and so many kinds that we must have taken 50 pictures. We of course saw dozens of White Egrets, Herons, etc but we have hundreds of pictures of them!

Of course Paula got one to land on here arm!

We did have this Cardinal sit still long enough to get a few pictures of him.

This picture is special, the horses are Marsh Tacky horses. They live wild on several of the islands and are descended from horses left here by the Spanish explorers in the 1500's. There are thought to be less than 300 left. There are three distinct breeds originating with the Spanish horses, including Banker Horses in North Carolina and Florida Cracker Horses.

Paula walked up to fence, talked to the horses and spent time petting one, of course.  Later we were told that they are not friendly and will bite!

Savannah Ships of the Sea Museum

We had a rental car for the weekend so we could range a little further than when we are walking. We took a trip to downtown Savannah to the Ships of the Sea Museum. What a treat!

Here are just a few of the scrimshaw items that were on display.

Of course you can't have a Ships of the Sea Museum without a display of the Titanic. The detail is awesome on all the ships. The Titanic even has the band members playing on the deck as she started to sink!

This is another sample of dozens of models on display. Most of the models are 3/8" scale (3/8" equals 1 foot). Each depicts a real boat with information on the history of the boat as well as the specs.

This is an example of some of the detail you will see on these models! I can't even imagine how much time even one of the models represents, let alone the dozens that are on display!

New deer pictures from Isle of Hope

On a recent walk we spotted this doe with two fawns. Paula spent the longest time taking pictures and getting closer and closer. Then when she went to turn and walk away the doe started following her. So she stopped and the doe stopped. Paula started walking again and the doe started following again. I wish I'd had the video camera.

Doe and two fawns in someone's front yard. We think it's cool but the residents here see them all the time eating their flowers, etc so they aren't really that excited about seeing them.